Employment Agency (EA) In Singapore For foreigners or even locals looking for a Job in Singapore you may be hunted by a Employment Agency (EA). When a foreigner is approached or opts to use a EA it is very important to verify that they are a licensed and registered EA by Ministry of Manpower Singapore (MOM). link here to verify. www.mom.gov.sg/eadirectory . The reason being is that Singapore is a extremely strict country and recently a MOM "...charged 60-year-old Singaporean Noor Hayah Binte Gulam (“the accused”), with one count of running an employment agency (“EA”) without a valid EA licence" if she is found guilty "...the accused can be fined up to (S)$80,000, or imprisoned for up to two years or to both under the Employment Agencies Act (EAA)". read more via link http://www.mom.gov.sg/newsroom/press-releases/2017/0411-woman-charged-fro-running-employment-agency-without-a-valid-licence . This is not to scare you but to advise you to adhere ...