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Showing posts from June, 2017

Employment Agency in Singapore

Employment Agency (EA) In Singapore For foreigners or even locals looking for a Job in Singapore you may be hunted by a Employment Agency (EA). When a foreigner is approached or opts to use a EA it is very important to verify that they are a licensed and registered EA by Ministry of Manpower Singapore (MOM). link here to verify. . The reason being is that Singapore is a extremely strict country and  recently a MOM  "...charged 60-year-old Singaporean Noor Hayah Binte Gulam (“the accused”), with one count of running an employment agency (“EA”) without a valid EA licence" if she is found guilty "...the accused can be fined up to (S)$80,000, or imprisoned for up to two years or to both under the Employment Agencies Act (EAA)". read more via link  . This is not to scare you but to advise you to adhere ...

Cover letter for your resume

Why do you need a cover letter. A cover letter defined by Wikipedia states that it is " A cover letter , covering letter , motivation letter , motivational letter or a letter of motivation is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a résumé or curriculum vitae . [1] " (  ) Over all there are two main types of cover letters. First is generic in which it is a short paragraph highlighting your self as a person and what will be offering to the prospective company and job you are applying for. This can do one of two things, if you are a fresh graduate with little to no work experience this will help add volume to your resume and secondly it will help the person reviewing your resume get a better understanding about you. Second, which is most important, for that specific job that you are applying to, you will want to tailor your cover letter to suit the job. As they say first i...