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Showing posts from September, 2017

About Dependant Pass in Singapore

Dependent pass (DP). As mentioned in previous posts on types of passes in Singapore , if you are a S pass or EP holder you may be eligible for a DP. As per MoM, Eligible Employment Pass or S pass holders can bring certain family members to Singapore on a Dependant's Pass. You can apply for a Dependant's Pass for your family if you meet these requirements. Hold an Employment Pass or S pass Earn a minimum fixed salary of SG$ 5000. Are sponsored by an established, Singapore-registered company (usually your employer) ( 1 ) Similar procedure is required to attain a DP for your family in which it will be your employers responsibility to submit the application on your behalf. Once its been submitted it generally takes 5 to 10 working days for an outcome but not limited to. The duration of the DP is valid for as long as the EP or S pass is valid for. Once a DP has been issued depending if you are a EP or S pass card holder it entitles your spouse to legally work in Sing...

About Professionals Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore.

There are three categories for Professional passes in Singapore. 1. Employment Pass, commonly known as EP 2. EntrePass 3. Personalised Employment Pass, commonly known as PEP. Employment Pass (EP), is the most common pass issued to foreign professionals, managers and executives in Singapore. Candidates need to earn at least SG$3,600 a month and have acceptable qualifications ( 1 ). The process is similar to the Spass procedures ( read on Spass here ) Attaining a EP over the years has become a stringent process for most companies and individuals who will need to be commanding a salary between SG$ 3600 - 5500 or more. The process has become more difficult recently for companies to hire EP qualified employees as the government has implemented a new procedures whereby the company has to advertise the job and screen Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR) first and if none are found suitable then only foreign candidates can be considered with justifi...