Dependent pass (DP). As mentioned in previous posts on types of passes in Singapore , if you are a S pass or EP holder you may be eligible for a DP. As per MoM, Eligible Employment Pass or S pass holders can bring certain family members to Singapore on a Dependant's Pass. You can apply for a Dependant's Pass for your family if you meet these requirements. Hold an Employment Pass or S pass Earn a minimum fixed salary of SG$ 5000. Are sponsored by an established, Singapore-registered company (usually your employer) ( 1 ) Similar procedure is required to attain a DP for your family in which it will be your employers responsibility to submit the application on your behalf. Once its been submitted it generally takes 5 to 10 working days for an outcome but not limited to. The duration of the DP is valid for as long as the EP or S pass is valid for. Once a DP has been issued depending if you are a EP or S pass card holder it entitles your spouse to legally work in Sing...