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How to Make a Resume

Welcome to the blog on How to Make a Resume.
If you are someone new to making a resume this blog will give you tips to make one. Everybody has their own preferences and each country has its own criteria but before getting into the details let us start by asking what is a resume/CV?
A resume/CV is a document (word/PDF) that highlights who you are in a professional standard. The basics that it should have is your.....
Full Name
  1. Contact details with area codes (email, mobile phone +65 12345678) make sure to give the ones you frequently use.
  2. Work experience.
  3. Education experience
  4. A little about yourself. Example hobbies - fishing, football, reading.
So now you may say "oh how simple. 10 minutes and you are done with your resume and apply for jobs..." Yes and No to that. Let us explain why Yes then why no.
Yes: if you are looking for part time work like a student where by you are looking for any work to earn a little bit of money over the weekends or during your holidays. A simple resume may be good enough to show your potential new part time employer.
No: If you are looking for a permanent/longer term employment a bare minimum resume may not be enough when you submit your application. There are a few things to consider when creating your resume in detail to give you the best chance to be noticed by the employer.
  1. Which industry are you planning to apply to?
    1. IT? Advertising? Construction?
    2. If you are going to apply for a non standard job such as graphic designer we will cover this on image focus resumes.
  2. What position are you applying for?
    1. Its very important to know which position you are applying for and making sure that your resume reflects that.
  3. Is your resume to the point?
    1. Your resume should not be longer than 2 pages. Human resource and recruiters may go through hundreds of applications a day or week. your goal will be to be precise in the information that you share.
  4. Should you include a cover letter?
    1. Please note not every recruiter reads a cover letter but some do. It is important that you tailor each cover letter for each job you apply for as not each one will require the information you put in the cover letter. If you want to know more on cover letter please go the page Cover Letter
  5. Is what your are writing relevant to the job you are applying for?
    1. When writing about your past experience make sure that you highlight key points and words that are specific to the work that you did. If you were in finance make sure you point out the system you worked on. Example Quick books
  6. Please indicate If you are eligible to work in certain countries or have current employments status in the country you are applying for. Always indicate your nationality.

Now here is an example of a resume. \\

Residence – Singapore
+65 12345678 (whatsapp if unavailable via call)|

Nationality: Malaysian
Current location: Singapore
Employment Pass holder (EP)

About Myself

(short paragraph about your professional self)


(what is your objective if you get a job)


List highest education first  

Skills & Abilities

List your skill and abilities with short descriptions
List your most recent job experience then add short but precise details

IT Manager | IBM (Singapore)

 | 2011 – present (5 years +)

·   Job Scope

Web designer Trainee | The design (UK)

 | 2012 -2013

·   Job Scope


·   Fishing offshore/Beach casting, Traveling, and watching football.


·   To be provided upon request.


Now that you have built your resume, you may want to apply for a job

If you have any questions do let us know.



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